Why Join the Payments Innovation Forum?

PIF brings the right people together

Whether you are seeking to strengthen your network, champion a cause or tap into the collective wisdom of the PIF community, we facilitate events and conversations with experts from industry, regulators, government, academia and law to ensure a joined-up approach on important issues. We liaise between the payments and other industries to resolve and proactively prevent issues from arising, and engage with universities and other institutions to widen our view of areas such as sustainability and artificial intelligence. 

PIF helps you get the inside track 

The aggregated experience of the PIF community in launching, running and scaling a payments business uniquely places PIF to share best practice and help members to make informed decisions, from the fundamentals of taking a new product to market to measuring success. Members get access to a comprehensive library of industry insight - from global fintech market research to studies on consumer attitudes to new payment methods. We prepare members for change that comes from regulation, and collaborate with fintech/payments associations across the EU and North America to give members an insight to operating a business in key markets.

PIF gives you a stronger voice 

PIF amplifies members' views with the policy makers and policy influencers who look to us for an industry perspective. Our expert-led legal, regulatory and advocacy teams work on your behalf to help shape regulation that fosters innovation in payments, whilst protecting the interests of consumers. We proactively challenge misinformed opinion and tackle negative press. 

PIF gives you a platform to promote your expertise

PIF membership comes with open invitations to participate as a speaker at our conferences and events, and access to a range of brand awareness and marketing activities. We create bespoke member marketing campaigns, co-curated to maximise your exposure. We amplify our members' news and views on our website and across our social media channels, and facilitate regular networking events. 

Benefits Enjoyed by All PIF Members

Be part of a growing and diverse community of businesses,
from issuers, schemes, issuer processors and BIN sponsors, to sponsored program managers, technology and solution providers, and experts in law and regulatory compliance.
Participate in our working groups to influence and help shape our response to industry issues.
Participate in our year-round programme of meetings and events with opportunities to build relationships, gain specialist knowledge and stay abreast of emerging trends. Obtain access to our educational materials to build awareness and trust with your customers.   
Have your voice heard as we promote understanding of the sector and act quickly to prevent misinformation from harming the reputation of market participants. Promote your business and amplify your brand, experience and expertise at our meetings and events.   
Gain unlimited access to our content to stay up to date on industry trends and be clear on your obligations to your customers and industry regulators.  Promote your news and views across our channels and contribute to media campaigns that promote the breadth of innovation and expertise in the industry.
Have your voice heard as we represent your interests on important policy matters and push for best outcomes on your behalf.Influence and help shape our strategic direction by standing for election as a non-executive director of PIF
Payments Innovation Forum Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 05955151 at 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.
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