Project Nemo

Project Nemo is a catalyst for change. A 12-month campaign connecting disability inclusion experts with FinTech decision makers who want to accelerate their disability inclusion journey

Blue Train Marketing

Blue Train Marketing are a full-service marketing agency dedicated to fintech and payments. We empower businesses around the world to accelerate their marketing, lead generation and growth through award-winning campaigns and content with a HubSpot-driven approach.

Founded in 2014 and headquartered in London, Blue Train Marketing is 100% founder-owned with all in-house skills covering PPC, SEO and digital content creation. They serve clients across the industry from start-ups to established providers of fintech and payment solutions looking to reach new B2B or B2C buyers.

Fintech Hub Lithuania

Fintech Hub Lithuania is an association whose mission is to unite FinTech (financial technology) industry participants in Lithuania, help to create favourable conditions for their activities and contribute to Lithuania becoming the attraction center for the industry not only in the Baltic region, but also throughout the European Union.

Federation of Small Businesses 

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is on a mission to help small businesses achieve their objectives. Since 1974 the FSB has been backing small businesses, helping them to start, run and grow successful business in every sector and corner of the UK. 

Smaller PIF member organisations can join the FSB and receive a special discount, cancelling the FSB sign-up fee. For further information and the discount code, please contact [email protected]

Fintech & Payments Association of Ireland

The Fintech & Payments Association of Ireland represents the interests of FinTech and Payments businesses in Ireland helping develop the regulatory, commercial and community ecosystem in which they operate. The FPAI seeks to develop and maintain a thriving ecosystem of talent and expertise in FinTech and Payments through communication, networking, events and collaboration.

Hong Kong Fintech Industry Association

Established in 2014, Hong Kong Fintech Industry Association (HKFIA) is a non-profit organisation established in Hong Kong. HKFIA has led some of the most ambitious efforts to reshape the industry development and education of Fintech for the benefit of the public via policy advocacy and education programs together with universities, companies and governments.

Innovative Payments Association

The Innovative Payments Association is a trade organization that serves as the leading voice of the electronic payments sector, including prepaid products, mobile wallets, and P2P technology for consumers, businesses and governments at all levels. 

Open Future World

Open Future World is the largest global source of information on progress in open banking and beyond.  Our global hub shares what’s worth paying attention to and highlights who’s who. They provide free resources to help you discover and connect with peers / prospects and curated content to highlight progressive work and thinking.

Prepaid Verband Deutschland

The Prepaid Association of Germany, which was established on 15 June, 2011 in Frankfurt am Main by eight companies and was initially known as the Prepaid Forum Germany (PFD), was registered as an association in July 2012 at the Register of Associations in Frankfurt am Main. The PVD represents the prepaid industry, and strives to communicate openly with the media and the public to promote dialogue.

Payments Innovation Forum Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 05955151 at 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.
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