Our Value to Members

We are from the payments industry and not-for-profit. PIF membership is designed to positively impact our members in a way that matters most to them. Developed in consultation with our community, our work and support is evidenced-based and focused on impact. 

Whether your priorities are to strengthen your network, shape policy, promote your expertise or get access to insight, support and guidance, PIF is committed to helping members deliver on their strategic priorities, in pursuit of our mission to promote safe, sustainable innovation in payments.

Our Focus

Payments with Purpose 

Supporting the development of innovative payment solutions that are geared towards financial and social inclusion, financial education, and wider ESG imperatives. 

SME Banking and Payments

Promoting the transformative power of fintech for SMEs, from the potential of AI and open banking to empower small business growth, to cash as a means of payment in an ever more digital world.

Fraud Prevention

Facilitating the flow of knowledge and insights to illuminate the ever-shifting landscape of payment fraud tactics and typologies, and the tools and technology to tackle financial crime.

Open Banking 

Advocating for a consumer-protected ecosystem that delivers on its promise and creates opportunity as open banking evolves to become open finance.


Assessing the implications of new and changing rules and regulation and advocating for policy that fosters innovation in payments whilst protecting the interests of consumers.

AI and Machine Learning

Forging alliances between industry, academia, and government departments to navigate the risks and unlock the opportunities presented by generative AI.

Consumer Insight 

Investigating payment preferences and consumer attitudes towards new and emerging payment methods and technologies.

Government and Public Sector

Advocating for the adoption of digital payment solutions by governments, charities and public sector organisations.

Embedded Finance

Championing the integration of payment services into everyday products and platforms, and promoting the benefits this brings for end users.

Payments Innovation Forum Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 05955151 at 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.
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