Source: Thredd

New executive appointments kicked off the year with clear focus on performance and growth.

LONDON/SINGAPORE, 20 December 2023 – Thredd, the leading next-gen issuer payments platform, announced that 2023 will deliver the best performance in the company’s history. With strong support from investors including Advent International, Viking Capital, Temasek and Mission OG, Thredd expanded its leadership role in the payment ecosystem, driving client-centric expansion across global markets with sights set on leveraging this momentum for future growth. 

During 2023, Thredd expanded its existing customer base, increasing its transaction growth across several regions. In a difficult year for the fintech industry, Thredd’s organic growth from existing customers in Europe and Asia Pacific increased by 20%, and new client sales tripled. Thredd also expanded its geographic footprint, signing several clients, including Cape, Paytron, BigPay and others in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, and Australia. 

“Thredd’s 2023 performance confirms our belief that this organisation could take modern issuing processing well beyond its original remit,” said Gene Lockhart, Thredd's board chairman. “Working hand in hand with Thredd’s investors, the entire Thredd organisation has come together to deliver a clear strategy and plan for sustained expansion. We are all very proud of the team’s achievements.” 

Read the full press release

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