Source: Blackhawk Network

In the face of cost-of-living pressures and issues uniting a dispersed, multi-generational workforce with socio-economical differences, it's a challenging time for employees and employers.

One of the best ways to navigate this uncertainty is to show your employees year-round appreciation. According to our exclusive research conducted in January 2024, employee appreciation is a powerful tool for boosting morale, productivity, and happiness.

Plus, if you align your rewards with your employees' needs, you can also provide a financial helping hand. And, with 73% of employees considering switching jobs in 2024 for better rewards, proactive appreciation can secure employee loyalty and attract top talent to your company.

To help you engage loyal employees with an appreciation strategy that enhances the employee experience, we've put together a comprehensive guide covering:

  • Why employee appreciation is vital, including the leading pain points employees face today
  • The business case for employee appreciation, including how to track the return on investment
  • The steps to creating an effective employee appreciation strategy, including when, how, and what to reward them

You will also learn a range of meaningful recognition ideas to enhance your employee value proposition no matter how big or small your budget and workforce may be. Our research also uncovered the reward employees desire the most.

To discover what it is - and how to successfully implement year-round appreciation - click here.

Payments Innovation Forum Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 05955151 at 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.
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